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2016/9/8 15:59:04 ChinaSexQ.com 发表评论 评论小图标 浏览: 来源:EXDOLL仿真人偶 举报


我在浏览一个国外仿真人偶论坛时,发现了一个帖子-是关于我们EX品牌的新品EX-Lite的众筹预售活动。国内人偶玩家都知道EX-Lite的众筹预售活 动已经到了第二阶段,产品销售火爆,需求强烈。现在看到美国人偶玩家对EX-Lite也如此感兴趣真的是太开心了。看来好的产品地球人都喜欢。

我选取了这个帖子的精髓部分并简单翻译了大意 ~

I wish they would sell this doll to united states. They also have a clock running. And are offering her as a limited sales. I would really like one too
- 我希望这款产品可在美国出售,看到他们还有个计时钟在跑,设定了一个价格,我也想买一个。

Obviously this is not meant to be sold in the western market, at least not yet as there doesn't seem to be any English version of their site. This would tend to make me believe that they are (1): not interested in the western market yet, or (2): not prepared to do business in the western market at this time! Maybe at some time in the future!
- 很明显这个产品还没有在西方市场售卖,至少我没看到英文版网站。这是不是可以说成两点。 1.对西方市场不感兴趣  2.这次没有准备好在西方市场售卖。 也许以后会吧。

Fantastic! Really amazing. This will be a real revolution if successful. I wonder if she can stand and pose?
- 太棒了!真的很棒。 如果成功这将会是革命性的。我在想她是否可以站立呢?

Very very interesting!  It looks like she moves as well as far more expensive dolls too! 
- 非常非常有趣! 感觉她会像那些贵的娃娃一样走的很远。

Holy cow! Looks so sexy for $374!!!。Wanna see her naked!。Can any vendor try to sell her to westerners?
- 哇塞!374美元的产品看起来好性感啊。好想看她裸体。有卖家可以把这款产品卖给西方顾客吗?

Great news indeed! Looking forward to seeing more of this doll. The face in the pics looks like Kayla
- 这的确是个好消息!希望可以看到更多的娃娃。这些照片里的面孔像凯拉。

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